This setting allows for a common count for re-entry/re-execute between Target and Stoploss re-entries or a separate individual count for Target based re-entry/re-execute and a separate count for Stoploss based re-entry/re-execute.
There are 2 options to specify the max number of times that you want the re-entry/re-execute to happen for Target hit and/or Stoploss hit:
1. Individual
2. Common (As per logic)
1. Individual setting:
If this setting is selected, you can specify a separate individual maximum number of re-entries count for Target and a separate individual maximum number of re-entries count for Stoploss. Meaning, the max count for Target and Stoploss can be different and the maximum number of re-entries/re-executes will happen as per the individual settings given for Target and for Stoploss.
Example of Individual type setting:
Individual leg max re-entry count settingMTM Target/SL max re-entry count settingIf max number is set to 3 for Target based re-entry/re-execute and 2 for Stoploss based re-entry/re-execute, then for that leg a max number of 3 re-entries/re-execute trades can happen separately by itself upon hitting Target, in addition, a max number of 2 re-entries/re-execute trades can happen separately by itself upon hitting Stoploss. This means a max total of 5 re-entries/re-execute trades can happen for that individual leg, ie. 3 re-entries/re-executes can happen upon hitting Individual leg Target or MTM Target and 2 re-entries/re-executes can happen upon hitting Individual leg Stoploss or MTM Stoploss.
2. Common setting:
If this setting is selected, the max count or the maximum re-entries/re-executes that can happen is a common number between Target and Stoploss based re-entries/re-execute, and that maximum number will be divided between Target or Stoploss based re-entries/re-executes.
Example of Common type setting
Individual leg max re-entry count settingMTM Target/SL max re-entry count settingIf the max number of re-entries/execute count is selected 3 for Stoploss, then automatically 3 will get selected in the max count section of the Target re-entry also, and vice versa, as this is a common count between Target and Stoploss based re-entry/re-execute.
A total of 3 re-entries/re-executes will happen whether it's Target or Stoploss based. Once 3 re-entries/re-executes have occured the leg or the trade will close for the day. With this setting it is possible to get the following combination of maximum number of re-entries/re-execute trades:
- 2 targets + 1 stoploss (max total 3)
- 1 target + 2 stoploss (max total 3)
- 3 targets (max total 3)
- 3 stoploss (max total 3)